CASE EoCs will be delivered via NOCTI, a third-party assessment agency.
CASE EoCs are a nationwide assessment tool for students directly aligned with CASE coursework.
CASE EoCs are available for the following courses:

End-of-course assessments are designed to be facilitated at the conclusion of each course. CASE courses spiral and scaffold, building upon previous knowledge and skills. Based on local and state guidelines, the end-of-course assessment for a student's last course could be considered the end-of-program assessment.

Why should my program facilitate CASE End-of-Course Assessments (EoCs)?
The end-of-course (EoC) assessments were developed by CASE to align with CASE concepts and National AFNR Common Career Technical Core Standards. The assessments are available through NOCTI, serving as the CASE partner for third-party delivery. EoC assessments serve as a measurement of student success that is nationwide, valid, and reliable, and comparable across the country. These end-of-course assessments meet Perkins V requirements.
CASE EoCs provide teachers, administrators, and other stakeholder groups with student performance data.
CASE encourages institutions to include CASE EoC benchmarks as performance measurements in articulation and dual credit agreements.
Fee Structure
$10/student/course/pre- and post-assessment/
CASE End-of-Course (EoC) Pre-Assessments are available for purchase year-round.
Get Started Today!
A Site Coordinator must be assigned to access the NOCTI Client Services Center (CSC).
A Site Coordinator must be designated to serve as NOCTI's primary contact. This individual should be in an administrative and decision-making position, including the ability to enter into agreements with NOCTI.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Assistant Principal
CTE Coordinator
Testing Coordinator
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