CASE PD Events are hosted regionally through Ag Ed partners throughout the country. Lead Teachers (LTs) are the heartbeat of the CASE curriculum delivery model. LTs are part-time contractors and serve as an extension of the National Council for Agricultural Education (The Council) and CASE. They facilitate instruction of CASE pedagogy and technical skills in coordination with CASE and Host Site Coordinators. There are two different types of PD events: CASE Institutes and BriefCASES. They also communicate with CASE, participants, and our Hosts to organize the PD event. Applications and the Lead Teacher Manual are linked under Lead Teacher Resources.
CASE Institutes are specialized professional development for full-year CASE courses. Institutes are five to nine days. CIs are hosted from June to August.
Application Timeline: November 15 - January 10; Announce by February 1
Specialized professional development for shortened CASE courses or modules. BriefCASEs range from five hours to three days. BriefCASEs are hosted year-round.
Application Timeline: November 15 - January 10 (ongoing as needed)
Annually, CASE 4 Learning attends national conferences that allow us to exhibit and equip teachers to engage students through CASE. As opportunities arise, the CASE Team seeks applications for CASE-certified teachers to assist in presentations.
Application Timeline: September - October
CASE Lab Specialists will demonstrate an impactful APP to Engage Teachers in The Lab in the CASE Booth.
Interested teachers apply annually leading up to the National FFA Convention.