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Check out APT in the Palouse!

Washington State University

 Agricultural Power and Technology (APT)


Host Contact Information 

J.D. Baser:


Event Details - 7-day Institute

Virtual Event Dates:  06/30/25 - 07/01/25 

In-Person Event Dates: 07/07/25 - 07/11/25


CASE Institute Location

Engineering Laboratory Building

Room 900 (ELB)    
900 E. College Avenue  
Pullman WA 99164    


Registration & Payment

Regular Registration Price: $2,650

Register through the MyCASE portal.

Make all checks payable to the National Council for Agricultural Education.

Mail to: National Council for Agricultural Education, c/o Melissa Rekeweg, P.O. Box 78124, Indianapolis, IN  46278-0124

View NCAE vendor setup forms here.


Participant Lodging & Meals

Effective January 1, 2025, lodging and meal costs are no longer included in registration costs. Host accommodations are optional and payable to the third-party vendor, as detailed below.

Lodging Location: Coast Hilltop Inn

928 NE Olsen St. Pullman, WA 99163

Lodging Price: $129/ room per Night

Hotel Block Reservations: Call to book (509) 332-0928

Description: Call to book and request the CASE Training rate. 07/06 to 07/11

Lunch & Dinner: During the in-person component, participants receive daily lunches and one evening meal from the host.

Travel: Not included with registration.


Miscellaneous Details

College Credit 

Yes! Contact the host for more information.
WSU also has an SGE (Small Gas Engines) the following week!


Recommended Airport

  1. Spokane (GEG)
  2. Pullman/Moscow
  3. Lewiston ID
Ready to register for this Institute? Here are a few helpful resources.
Registration Link
Event registration closes May 1, 2025


CASE encourages participants to register early and pay with a credit card to secure their spot in the CASE Institute. Participants registering for a CASE Institute agree to the following cancellation policy: Print and view the CASE Cancellation Policy Here.



CASE Institute Host
J.D. Base

CASE is an initiative of the National Council for Agricultural Education (The Council).

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